A new model for regulating aged care webinar recording available

The webinar provided information about the proposed regulatory model.
The department released A New Model for Regulating Aged Care, Consultation Paper 2: Details of the Proposed New Model in April 2023. The model is intended to fundamentally change the way the sector operates, including:
- universal provider registration
- targeted and streamlined provider obligations
- enhanced complaints and feedback
- a stronger Regulator.
Consultation closed on 23 June 2023.
What we heard
More than 1,100 people joined the webinar and we received just over 250 questions before and during the webinar.
The questions showed there is a strong interest in:
- how the universal provider registration process will work, including for those providers who will seek to deliver services in multiple registration categories
- who will need to be registered to deliver care under the new model and what types of entities can be registered
- how providers will be monitored and held accountable
- which registration categories the Aged Care Quality Standards and audits will apply to
- when the new model will commence and the process for existing aged care providers to become registered
- information on the new Aged Care Act.
Read our Frequently Asked Questions for the answers to the questions from the webinar.
To receive updates on other upcoming reform activities, older people can subscribe to our EngAged newsletter. Providers and aged care workers are encouraged to sign up to the weekly Your Aged Care Update.
What we’re doing
Consultation on the new model for regulating aged care closed on 23 June 2023. This is a great opportunity to find out how we intend to improve the way the sector approaches, monitors and works together to assure quality care for older people.
Feedback received during the consultation period will be used to refine the model before we seek a decision by government.
Read more about the proposed model, including previous consultation papers and activities, on the department’s Developing a new model for regulating aged care webpage.
Let's change aged care, together
Every Australian should feel confident about accessing high quality and safe aged care, when and where they need it.
The changes mean Older people will have greater choice and control, services that respect and meet their needs, and support to stay independent as they age.
To find out more and help design the changes, visit the Get Involved page or call 1800 318 209.