Read the latest news on how we are transforming aged care across Australia.

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Results of the latest survey for older people

Thank you for your response to the first Aged Care Reforms Survey for Older People in 2024. Your feedback will help us better inform you about the changes happening in aged care.

10 July 2024

News and stories

  • The National Aged Care Design Principles and Guidelines have been introduced. The Principles and Guidelines outline the many ways to improve aged care home design and improve the health and wellbeing of residents.

    15 July 2024

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  • Professor John McCallum is a member of the Aged Care Council of Elders. John now lives in Canberra and is an advocate for ageing and aged care issues. He is passionate about the issues for older people living longer while maintaining quality of life.

    15 July 2024

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  • We are making improvements to technology systems to make it easier for people to connect to aged care services. Our new Aged Care Data and Digital Strategy was launched on 4 July 2024.

    15 July 2024

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  • Thank you for your response to the first Aged Care Reforms Survey for Older People in 2024. Your feedback will help us better inform you about the changes happening in aged care.

    10 July 2024

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  • Residential aged care homes can now have pharmacists working regularly on-site to review residents' medications and ensure these are used in a safe and appropriate way.

    10 July 2024

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  • Age continues to be the biggest risk factor for severe cases of COVID-19 and influenza. Vaccination is the best way to reduce the risk of serious illness, hospitalisation and death.

    10 July 2024

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  • We asked for feedback on the draft National Aged Care Design Principles and Guidelines for residential aged care. Read about what we heard and what happens next.

    10 July 2024

    • what we heard
  • Read about what we heard in the third Aged Care Sector Pulse Survey.

    9 July 2024

    • what we heard
  • We are establishing a Single Assessment System to make it easier for people to access aged care and adapt services as their needs change.

    1 July 2024

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  • The Continence Aids Payment Scheme payment recently increased. This means eligible people can access more money to help with the costs of buying continence products.

    1 July 2024

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  • The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission has released its latest complaints report about aged care home services.

    17 June 2024

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  • The 32 recommendations of the Capability Review of the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission have been accepted by Government.

    17 June 2024

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  • If you are 65 years or older, you can get a free influenza vaccine. Vaccination is the safest and most effective way to protect yourself against the flu.

    17 June 2024

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  • Nominate an inspiring older person or someone making a difference to the lives of older people for a 2025 Australian of the Year Award.

    17 June 2024

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  • Gillian Groom is the Tasmanian member of the Aged Care Council of Elders. Gillian is passionate about people being supported and empowered to lead meaningful lives as they age.

    7 June 2024

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  • We are making it easier for Deaf, Deafblind and hard of hearing people to access free sign language interpreting and captioning services. From 1 July 2024, the National Sign Language Program will include support for health and medical appointments.

    7 June 2024

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  • The Department of Health and Aged Care has created a model pack to help providers prepare for their care time reporting assessment.

    30 May 2024

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  • Older people, their families and carers will benefit from the 2024-25 Budget. There is more funding for the aged care system. This will mean faster access to in-home care, a stronger workforce and better links between aged care and health systems.

    29 May 2024

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  • National Palliative Care Week is a reminder that it’s never too soon to start the conversation about matters of life and death.

    20 May 2024

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  • We are excited to announce the winners of the ‘Reimagining Where We Live’ design ideas competition. The competition called on architects and designers to envision aged care accommodation of the future.

    17 May 2024

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  • 2024 State and Territory Senior Australian of the Year recipients share their favourite things about ageing and what advice they would give to their younger selves.

    15 May 2024

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  • In February 2024, in-home aged care providers participated in a series of online workshops to help refine the new Support at Home program. Read what we heard and find out our next steps.

    26 April 2024

    • what we’ve heard
  • Are your personal and financial details up to date with Services Australia or the Department of Veterans’ Affairs? Services Australia reviews aged care fees about once a month to check you are paying the right amount for your current circumstances.

    15 April 2024

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  • Are you over 65 years old or severely immunocompromised? You can now receive a COVID-19 vaccine every six months.

    15 April 2024

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  • We have updated our booklet on the changes to aged care in Australia, which you can order or download from our website.

    15 April 2024

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  • Caring for someone who is dying can be difficult. Families and friends often play an important role in providing day-to-day care. CarerHelp has free online resources to help you care for someone nearing the end of their life.

    12 April 2024

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  • The department is conducting assessments to check on the accuracy of care minutes and 24/7 Registered Nurse information reported by residential aged care homes. This ensures transparency and trust in the reports that inform Star Ratings.

    4 April 2024

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  • The report by the Aged Care Taskforce has now been published and includes 23 recommendations.

    15 March 2024

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  • Have you thought about the care you would like to receive if you become seriously ill? Advance care planning helps to ensure your health care preferences are known and respected if you can’t speak for yourself.

    15 March 2024

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  • The Interim First Nations Aged Care Commissioner wants to hear from you on improving care for older First Nations people across the aged care system.

    15 March 2024

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  • The My Aged Care website ‘Find a Provider’ tool now shows information about how much aged care providers are spending on care, food, wages and more.

    7 March 2024

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  • 10 Questions to Ask is a series of leaflets written by nurses, doctors and experts with experience in aged care. Use these leaflets to make sure you ask the right questions about residential aged care.

    21 February 2024

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  • Do you live in a residential aged care home? What do you think about the care you’re getting? You can tell us what you think in our Residents’ Experience Survey.

    21 February 2024

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  • Public consultation on the draft new Aged Care Act has been extended to 8 March 2024. Have your say and help shape Australia’s aged care system.

    14 February 2024

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  • Thank you for your response in the latest 2023 Aged Care Reforms Survey for older people. Your feedback will help us better inform you about aged care reforms.

    31 January 2024

    • what we’ve heard
  • We have released a draft of the new Aged Care Act for feedback. You can get involved in our consultation by attending an in-person workshop, completing a survey online or over the phone, or sending us an email or letter.

    18 January 2024

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  • Emergency leave for COVID-19 has been extended to 31 December 2024. This means that aged care residents can stay with family during a COVID-19 outbreak without paying extra fees.

    18 January 2024

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  • A refreshed membership has been announced for the National Aged Care Advisory Council.

    18 January 2024

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  • You’re invited to participate in a study which aims to improve the wellbeing of older people who receive residential care or Home Care Packages.

    15 January 2024

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  • All the information you need about volunteering in aged care is now in one place. If you’re an older person or volunteer, check out the new webpage today.

    15 January 2024

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  • Andrea Kelly has been appointed as the Interim First Nations Aged Care Commissioner. This role will encourage culturally safe, tailored and flexible aged care services for First Nations people.

    11 January 2024

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  • The Aged Care Quality and Safety Advisory Council provides expert advice on the functions of the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commissioner. Andrea Coote has been reappointed to the Advisory Council, and Professor Valerie Braithwaite has been newly appointed.

    9 January 2024

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  • The Medical Costs Finder is a website which helps you find the typical costs of private specialist medical services.

    9 January 2024

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  • We’re pleased to announce a new term and appointment of members for the Aged Care Council of Elders.

    20 December 2023

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  • We’ve released the feedback from public consultations on the new model for regulating aged care.

    5 January 2024

    • what we’ve heard
  • We held a webinar for aged care providers to hear practical advice to support quality improvement activities and achieve better outcomes for residents. Find out what we heard.

    15 December 2023

    • what we’ve heard
  • We have been consulting with residential, home care and retirement living providers on the future of the aged care market Read about the consultation and what we heard.

    15 December 2023

    • what we’ve heard
  • If you need support to make decisions about aged care, Aged Care Specialist Officers can help you. You can now make an appointment in person or via video chat.

    14 December 2023

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  • Christmas, summer and the festive season is a time many of us spend with our family and friends. Make sure you know the basics and protect yourself and loved ones from COVID-19.

    14 December 2023

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  • We are committed to delivering in-home aged care that will help older people, their families and carers. The new Support at Home program will be delivered in two stages to minimise disruption and ensure continuity of care.

    14 December 2023

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  • If you have concerns or questions about the food and dining experience in aged care homes, you can now call a dedicated hotline.

    16 November 2023

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  • The Continence Aids Payment Scheme (CAPS) covers some of the cost of products that help you manage incontinence. Find out about eligibility, how to apply and what you can claim.

    8 November 2023

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  • People aged 65 years and over can now access free shingles vaccination under the National Immunisation Program (NIP). This is a safe and effective way to protect yourself from serious illness caused by shingles.

    8 November 2023

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  • In August 2023, we ran a public submission process for the Aged Care Taskforce on the draft aged care funding principles. Read what we heard and find out our next steps.

    6 November 2023

    • what we’ve heard
  • The draft National Aged Care Design Principles and Guidelines aim to make aged care homes a better place to live.

    19 October 2023

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  • In August and September 2023, we ran consultations on the proposed foundations of the new Aged Care Act. Read about what we heard from you, and our next steps.

    17 October 2023

    • what we’ve heard
  • The department has partnered with the Australian Library and Information Association to share information about changes to aged care.

    16 October 2023

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  • If you’re an older person receiving Government-funded aged care services, you may be interested in regular visits from a volunteer who will provide friendship and companionship.

    16 October 2023

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  • Respite care is when someone else takes care of your loved one, so you can have a break. It’s available to support older people and their carers when they need it.

    16 October 2023

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  • On 1 October 2023, ‘care minutes’ became mandatory in aged care homes across Australia. Older people will now receive the dedicated care time they need for everything from essential medical treatment to help with daily activities.

    16 October 2023

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  • Did you know age continues to be the biggest risk factor for severe COVID-19 disease? Find out the latest advice from the Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation.

    22 September 2023

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  • Over 4,000 people attended our fourth webinar on the reforms to in-home aged care on 18 May 2023. Read what we heard and find out our next steps.

    22 September 2023

    • what we’ve heard
  • This week (18 – 24 September 2023) is Dementia Action Week, a national awareness-raising campaign to challenge common misconceptions about dementia. Find out how you can get involved.

    20 September 2023

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  • If you are a family member, volunteer or carer for an older person, you may be interested in free online modules that provide practical and relevant information about aged care.

    20 September 2023

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  • All aged care homes must have a registered nurse available to care for residents 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You can now see how each aged care home in Australia is meeting their 24/7 registered nursing responsibility by visiting our website.

    20 September 2023

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  • Results from our Volunteers in Aged Care survey suggests there are opportunities to better meet the needs of aged care volunteers and volunteer managers.

    15 September 2023

    • what weve heard
  • Scholarships for nurses, personal care workers and allied health professionals working in aged care.

    15 September 2023

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  • We’re improving the quality of life for people in aged care homes through food and nutrition initiatives.

    17 August 2023

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  • The latest update to Star Ratings shows quality in aged care homes is improving.

    17 August 2023

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  • The Council on the Ageing (COTA) and the Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) are hosting in-person consultation forums across Australia. The forums will give you the opportunity to give feedback in a safe and inclusive setting.

    17 August 2023

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  • Dr Kay Patterson AO has always had a strong interest in issues affecting older people. Kay recently spoke at the National Press Club of Australia about what needs to be done to protect the rights and wellbeing of all Older people, and some of the challenges that still lie ahead. “We can build a better cultural inheritance for an ageing Australian and, in fact, we must.”

    17 August 2023

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  • StepUp for Dementia Research connects people to researchers studying dementia prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care.

    25 July 2023

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  • Aged care homes must now have at least one registered nurse available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week so residents have access to the care they need, when they need it.

    25 July 2023

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  • More support soon available for carers and people living with dementia through dementia-specific respite services.

    25 July 2023

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  • An inspiring intergenerational art exhibition is breaking down age barriers and creating images that capture the spirit of a generation.

    25 July 2023

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  • A Consumer Advisory Body gives you another avenue to have a say in the quality of the care and services you receive, by providing feedback to those running your aged care service. Hear from Maggie, Jo and Jan as they talk about their experience on their advisory body.

    25 July 2023

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  • The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission has released a new fact sheet to help you understand your right to make choices about food and drink.

    25 July 2023

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  • The latest results to the second Aged Care Sector Pulse Survey are in. The survey provides valuable insights into the sector’s adoption, preparedness and awareness of aged care reforms, their confidence in the reforms and their communication needs.

    14 July 2023

    • what we’ve heard
  • For more than 40 years, Danijela Hlis has supported people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds through her work as an interpreter and translator. As a Member of the Council of Elders, she continues to support CALD communities and is passionate about making sure people’s needs are understood and met as changes are made to the aged care system.

    9 June 2023

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  • The Australian Government has released the aged care reform roadmap to provide an indicative timeline for key reform elements. Our aim is to help the sector understand what’s coming, be involved in reforms and prepare for the changes ahead to improve aged care.

    9 June 2023

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  • More than 1,100 people attended a webinar hosted by the department on 9 May 2023, to learn more about the details of the proposed new model for regulating aged care and receive an update on the new Aged Care Act.

    1 June 2023

    • what we’ve heard
  • In late 2022 we consulted widely on the strengthened Aged Care Quality Standards. Read about the insights and feedback we heard through this consultation.

    1 June 2023

    • what we’ve heard
  • We sat down with Emeritus Professor Valerie Braithwaite, Professor of regulatory studies at the Australian National University and member of our Expert Advisory Panel, to find out why strong relationships are the key to regulating aged care.

    25 May 2023

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  • The National Aged Care Mandatory Quality Indicator Program gives aged care providers and government insight into how aged care homes are performing, and where improvement is required. On 1 April 2023 the QI Program expanded its focus to capture 6 new crucial areas of care.

    18 May 2023

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  • My Health Record is a safe and secure place to save your health information online. It allows you and your healthcare providers to quickly and easily access information about your health including past test results, medications and treatments.

    18 May 2023

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  • The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission has released fact sheets to help you to know how to make changes to your food and dining experience and resolve any issues.

    18 May 2023

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  • Professor John McCallum is passionate about making a difference to aged care. He has notched up more than 50 years working in ageing research, policy and advocacy. John is eager to improve the lives of older people, and says he sees his role in the Council of Elders as being someone to “help interpret the research” that underpins the reforms.

    12 May 2023

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  • The department recently hosted a webinar to share information about the new quality indicators introduced in residential aged care on 1 April 2023.

    9 May 2023

    • what we’ve heard
  • In November 2022 we released a National Dementia Action Plan consultation paper to gather public feedback, which received over 1,000 responses. Read what we heard and our next steps.

    26 April 2023

    • what we’ve heard
  • We are seeking feedback on the details of the proposed regulatory model for aged care, and how it will be implemented.

    April 2023

    • news
  • We’ve been consulting with stakeholders across aged care to develop a regulatory model that will support the sector to deliver high quality care to older people in Australia and introduces a better way of monitoring providers.

    April 2023

    • what we’ve heard
  • Ms Anne Burgess AM has been appointed as the new Chair of the Aged Care Council of Elders for a period of 2 years. Anne has more than 40 years’ experience leading initiatives and organisations focused on social justice and understands the needs of older people.

    26 April 2023

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  • If you are a family member or carer for an older person, you may be interested in new free online modules that provides practical and relevant information about aged care.

    19 April 2023

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  • The department hosted a webinar about Residents’ Experience Surveys to help prepare residential aged care providers for the annual 2023 Residents’ Experience Surveys. A recording of the webinar and Q&As are now available.

    19 April 2023

    • what we’ve heard
  • Did you know that aged care providers must offer to set up a Consumer Advisory Body, for older people using their service? A Consumer Advisory Body gives you another avenue to have a say in the quality of the care and services you receive, by providing feedback to those running your aged care service. Your feedback on the quality of care and services that you receive is important.

    19 April 2023

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  • A new booklet on reforming aged care in Australia is now available from the Department of Health and Aged Care website. The booklet is for older people and their carers and families who want to learn more about Australia’s aged care reforms and how they affect them. Read more to view or order a copy.

    19 April 2023

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  • The Department of Health and Aged Care is seeking feedback from aged care volunteers, volunteer managers, and providers to shape the future of aged care volunteering.

    3 April 2023

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  • 1 March 2023 marked 2 years since the final report from the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety was tabled in Parliament, a critical milestone in the journey to restoring dignity to older people in Australia.

    21 March 2023

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  • Services Australia now provides Aged Care Specialist Officers in 80 service centres nationwide, ensuring older people have the support they need when making important decisions about aged care.

    14 March 2023

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  • The Serious Incident Response Scheme is designed to protect your rights to be safe and receive quality care. You can also contact the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission directly with concerns regarding aged care incidents.

    14 March 2023

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  • Sue McCann is passionate about making sure older people have choice and control over their aged care. With more than 40 years’ experience working in the aged care sector, Sue has valuable experience and insights to share as a member of the Council of Elders.

    14 March 2023

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  • Do you provide unpaid care and support to a family member or friend? Carers Australia wants to hear about your experiences to improve services and support to carers across Australia.

    14 March 2023

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  • The Aged Care Council of Elders are ready for a big year as the voice for older people in the aged care reforms. Find out what they’ve been up to and plans for the year ahead.

    27 February 2023

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  • The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission is involved in improvements to the Aged Care Quality Standards. Revision of the Quality Standards was a key recommendation of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety.

    15 February 2023

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  • A new factsheet on food and dining is now available for people living in residential aged care, their family members and advocates.

    15 February 2023

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  • Mr Ian Yates AM commenced as the Interim Inspector-General of Aged Care on 30 January 2023. Find out more about this role and what happens next.

    15 February 2023

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  • Over 500 people attended a webinar on 13 October 2022, hosted by Dementia Australia to hear more about immediate and future dementia policy in Australia.

    7 February 2023

    • what we’ve heard
  • Belinda works as an aged care quality manager. She shares why she applied for a scholarship to study nursing as a mature aged student, and how much she enjoys caring for older people.

    6 February 2023

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  • Professor Tom Calma AO has been named the 2023 Senior Australian of the Year. Read more about his achievements as an advocate for First Australians and older people.

    6 February 2023

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  • In October 2022 we opened a survey on Short-Term Restorative Care, which 204 people took part in. Their responses will inform policy development for restorative care as part of the new in-home aged care program. Here’s what we heard.

    1 February 2023

    • what we’ve heard
  • The 2023 Residents’ Experience Surveys will begin in February, providing an opportunity for people living in a residential aged care homes to share their thoughts on the quality of care they receive.

    30 January 2023

    • news
  • Over 770 in-home aged care providers attended a webinar to learn about the pricing changes to Home Care Packages and ask their questions. Read what we heard.

    24 January 2023

    • what we’ve heard
  • In August 2022, more than 1,500 people participated in an online survey on Home Care Package administration and management charges. Read how their feedback helped inform new price caps.

    24 January 2023

    • what we’ve heard
  • Over 520 submissions were received on the new program for in-home aged care discussion paper and just over 2,000 people attended a webinar. Read what we heard and our next steps.

    19 January 2023

    • what we’ve heard
  • The Older Persons Advocacy Network (OPAN) has released a free self-advocacy toolkit with information and resources to support you in speaking up for better aged care.

    9 January 2023

    • news
  • During October and November this year, we consulted with a wide range of people from across the aged care sector on the review of the Aged Care Quality Standards. We received your feedback and will be sharing a consultation summary report in early 2023.

    21 December 2022

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  • Star Ratings are now available to help you compare and choose an aged care home that’s right for you.

    20 December 2022

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  • The department surveyed people in the aged care sector, to measure the level of awareness of the aged care reforms. Read more about the outcomes of this survey, and how we will use the findings to improve the way we communicate about the reforms.

    20 December 2022

    • what we’ve heard
  • Find out what the new Code of Conduct for Aged Care and the extension of the Serious Incident Response Scheme to in-home services may mean for you.

    16 December 2022

    • news
  • 248 in-home aged care providers shared their thoughts on what they would like to see in a proposed payment platform for the future in-home aged care program. Read what we heard.

    16 December 2022

    • what we’ve heard
  • We’re celebrating a year since the Council of Elders was established to consult with older people and advise the Government on the aged care reforms and ageing well. Read about what the Council of Elders have achieved during their first year and what they have planned for 2023.

    16 December 2022

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  • Boost your confidence using online tools and apps, and learn how to stay safe online, with free online courses for Older people through the Be Connected initiative.

    14 December 2022

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  • The Australian Government is committed to delivering a reformed in-home aged care program by 1 July 2024. If you currently receive support from Commonwealth-funded in-home aged care programs, learn what the new program will mean for you.

    13 December 2022

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  • Consultations are now open for the National Dementia Action Plan. Have your say and help build a dementia-inclusive society.

    1 December 2022

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  • This International Volunteers Day we’re recognising and celebrating our dedicated volunteers in aged care.

    30 November 2022

    • news
  • We received detailed submissions on draft legislation for a new Code of Conduct for Aged Care. Here is what we heard through this process.

    24 November 2022

    • what we’ve heard
  • In August and September 2022, the Department of Health and Aged Care undertook workshops with a small number of people with lived experience of dementia, and people caring for people with dementia to inform the National Dementia Action Plan public consultation paper.

    16 November 2022

    • what we’ve heard
  • More than 140 stakeholders responded to the consultation paper and over 80 participated in a forum to help inform implementation of the Aged Care On-site Pharmacist measure.

    16 November 2022

    • what we’ve heard
  • We’re working to improve aged care for Australians. Here are some of the highlights from the last few months.

    8 November 2022

    • news
  • Val Fell is a fierce advocate for the rights of Older people, and she can now add the Medal of the Order of Australia to her impressive list of accomplishments.

    8 November 2022

    • news
  • More than 135 people participated in consultations and co-design workshops to improve access to assistive technology and home modifications. Read a summary of these consultations.

    June to August 2022

    • what we’ve heard
  • Read the feedback provided by stakeholders from across the care and support sector that informed the development of the Code of Conduct for Aged Care.

    4 October 2022

    • what we’ve heard
  • Almost 4,000 people attended a webinar to hear about the reforms to in-home aged care, the proposed regulatory model, and the new Aged Care Act. Read about our next steps.

    30 September 2022

    • what we’ve heard
  • The Aged Care Quality Standards are being urgently reviewed in line with the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. In May 2021 an independent evaluation of the Aged Care Quality Standards was undertaken.

    27 September 2022

    • news
  • My Aged Care in-person service rollout update

    14 September 2022

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  • Volunteers connect with Older people to develop life changing relationships.

    9 September 2022

    • news
  • More than 1,700 people completed the In-Home Aged Care Service List Survey. This asked what kinds of services should be included in the new in-home aged care program starting 1 July 2024. Read the summarised findings of the survey results report.

    5 September 2022

    • what we’ve heard
  • Read about outcomes from the Department of Health and Aged Care’s Sector Support and Development (SSD) consultation on the activities for 2022-23

    14 July 2022

    • what we’ve heard
  • Read about how Older people, aged care providers and peak organisations are shaping new quality indicators for the National Aged Care Mandatory Quality Indicator Program (QI Program).

    27 June 2022

    • what we’ve heard
  • We asked the My Aged Care Screening and Assessment Workforce about the current training model and learning platform. More than 800 people provided feedback; read about what we heard.

    27 June 2022

    • what we’ve heard
  • Read some of the key things we’ve heard from our consultations with senior Australians, aged care stakeholders and technical experts, about what is important in the design of high quality residential aged care accommodation.

    10 June 2022

    • what we’ve heard
  • Masonic Care’s CEO Jackie Howard and GM Katie Cooley sat down with the Aged Care Communications team to talk about how business improvement funding transformed the experiences of residents and staff.

    23 December 2021

    • case study
  • Learn how feedback given at this webinar will inform future engagement on the Commonwealth Home Support Programme (CHSP) extension.

    23 December 2021

    • what we’ve heard
  • This summary outlines key findings from our public consultation about how to implement proposed requirements to strengthen approved aged care provider governance arrangements.

    29 March 2022

    • what we’ve heard
  • Over 3,500 people attended a webinar to hear more about the Support at Home Program, the status of program regulation development and upcoming consultation opportunities.

    25 March 2022

    • what we’ve heard
  • Read about key findings from a survey of 800 CHSP providers about their readiness for the move to payment in arrears and the one-year extension.

    23 November 2021

    • what we’ve heard
  • This summary outlines key findings from our consultation with stakeholders about the expansion of the Serious Incident Response Scheme from residential aged care to in-home aged care services from 1 July 2022.

    20 October 2021

    • what we’ve heard
  • Over 1,000 people took part in focus groups and online surveys to help evaluate the Aged Care Quality Standards in August 2021. Insights from this evaluation will inform the Quality Standards review project

    28 September 2021

    • what we’ve heard
  • The Department of Health’s aged care reforms webinars were attended by thousands of people, primarily aged care workers in the industry. The insights gained included how they want to be engaged going forward and how they wanted the reforms implemented.

    9 July 2021

    • what we’ve heard

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The Department of Health and Aged Care acknowledges the traditional owners of country throughout Australia, and their continuing connection to land, sea and community. We pay our respects to them and their cultures, and to elders both past and present.