Aged Care Taskforce consultation

In August 2023, we ran a public submission process for the Aged Care Taskforce (Taskforce) on the draft aged care funding principles.
The Taskforce will provide government with advice on funding arrangements to ensure that the aged care system is fair and equitable.
180 submissions were received from a wide range of stakeholders including older people, carers, health professionals, providers, peak organisations and financial services providers.
Thank you to everyone who made a submission.
What we heard
In your submissions you told us:
- You generally support the Taskforce’s draft principles.
- The aged care system needs to modernise and be more sustainable.
- Fairness means everyone who needs care gets the appropriate standard of care, regardless of their financial means or where they live.
- Quality and appropriate care means individualised and personcentered care that is culturally appropriate, not a onesizefits all approach.
- Aged care programs and funding arrangements are too complex and difficult to understand.
- Government should continue to be a major funder of aged care and participant contributions are needed with a sufficient safety net.
- Government has a role in directly funding capital infrastructure for aged care in rural and remote areas.
- The aged care funding model should promote innovation.
- The aged care system depends on a skilled and capable workforce. Providers must earn sufficient income to be able to pay competitive wages that will attract and retain workers.
What we’re doing
Feedback from public submissions has informed the Taskforce’s discussions and will feed into the recommended package of options for government in December 2023.
To receive updates and information on future consultation activities, sign up to our newsletters and get involved in current activities.
Let's change aged care, together
Every Australian should feel confident about accessing high quality and safe aged care, when and where they need it.
The changes mean Older people will have greater choice and control, services that respect and meet their needs, and support to stay independent as they age.
To find out more and help design the changes, visit the Get Involved page or call 1800 318 209.