Community feedback informs Aged Care Regulatory Model

We’ve published the A new model for regulating aged care: Consultation Summary Report.
The report summarises the feedback we received during public consultations over the past 18 months.
This feedback has been used to develop the proposed new regulatory model, which sets out how the aged care sector will operate under the new Aged Care Act.
We consulted with a diverse range of stakeholders including older people and their representatives, providers, Unions, advocates, advisory groups, and others with an interest in aged care.
We engaged with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, people from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse backgrounds, and the LGBTIQA+ community.
We received feedback from:
- 363 people who completed a short online survey
- 188 people who completed a more detailed survey
- 3,536 people who took part in a large-scale representative survey
- 121 written feedback submissions
- 118 workshop participants
- 1,100+ people who attended webinars.
The regulatory model sets out how the aged care sector will operate under the new Aged Care Act.
The new model is designed to drive cultural change across the sector, improve outcomes and protections for older people, and restore trust in the system.
Find out more about the role of the new model.
What we heard
Overall, feedback on the proposed new regulatory model was positive and supported the new approach.
Feedback in the summary report is captured under the 4 safeguards that form the framework of the new model:
- Supporting quality care
- Older people, their families and carers emphasised the need for reliable, transparent information that helps them find and assess aged care options.
- Workers emphasised the need for dedicated channels to ‘have their say’, gather feedback and share case studies of best practice within the new model.
- Becoming a provider
- Stakeholders emphasised the importance of care management and care coordination within the aged care system.
- Providers and advocates were positive about the new model but had a strong desire to understand the specific requirements of the reforms so they can better understand the impacts.
- Responsibilities of a provider
- Feedback indicated we could further streamline regulation by leveraging existing systems.
- Peak bodies felt this reduced duplication of obligations and processes will enable providers to focus on caring for their clients.
- Holding providers accountable
- All consultation participants supported the proposed complaints restorative approach.
- There was wide agreement on the need for reporting on quality assurance performance. This included support for incentives and rewards for excellent service and significant penalties for poor quality assurance performance .
What we’re doing
Feedback received will inform the final regulatory model, which will be incorporated in the new Aged Care Act.
We’re working with the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission to finalise details and prepare the model for implementation.
We’ll be sharing more information with the sector in the coming months.
Read more about developing a new model for regulating aged care.
Let's change aged care, together
Every Australian should feel confident about accessing high quality and safe aged care, when and where they need it.
The changes mean Older people will have greater choice and control, services that respect and meet their needs, and support to stay independent as they age.
To find out more and help design the changes, visit the Get Involved page or call 1800 318 209.