Fourth reforming in-home aged care webinar

This webinar was an opportunity for older people, their families and carers and the aged care sector to hear the latest news on reforms to in-home aged care.
We provided updates on:
- the development of the Support at Home program and implementation over the next 12 months, including updates on Fair Work Commission arrangements, legislative reform, the regulatory framework, and transition to the new system
- the single assessment system
- the new integrated assessment tool for the single assessment system
- the Assistive Technology and Home Modifications scheme
- the new Aged Care Taskforce.
Watch the complete slide presentation and webinar recording here.
What we heard
4,110 people attended the webinar and over 150 questions were submitted.
Questions from the webinar told us:
- the importance of providing continual updates on the Support at Home development process
- the aged care sector wants to be involved in refining the Support at Home program design
- the significance of ensuring equitable distribution and access to service availability, particularly in regional and rural areas
- the sector wants to understand the impact of the new Aged Care Act and other regulatory reforms in the sector
- the sector wants to understand how the reforms will impact the existing Home Care Packages Program and Commonwealth Home Support Programme
- there is support within the sector for the single assessment system.
Read the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) from the webinar here.
What we’re doing
As the new program develops, we will regularly update the Reforming in-home aged care page on the department’s website.
This page includes links to webinars, our engagement calendar, and other resources.
Subscribe to the Your Aged Care Update newsletter to stay up to date with the reforms, including the latest news on in-home care.
If you have any questions about this webinar or other engagement opportunities, please email
Let's change aged care, together
Every Australian should feel confident about accessing high quality and safe aged care, when and where they need it.
The changes mean Older people will have greater choice and control, services that respect and meet their needs, and support to stay independent as they age.
To find out more and help design the changes, visit the Get Involved page or call 1800 318 209.