Improving quality of care in residential aged care webinar

As part of ongoing sector engagement, we are supporting education and capability uplift by establishing a community of practice. This involves service providers sharing examples of good care delivery and quality improvement.
We presented information on:
- improvement science methodology; and
- enablers of quality improvement success.
This included the Plan, Do, Check, Act approach and using data to identify key areas for improvement.
The Commission presented information on:
- monitoring quality of care including areas for consideration; and
- what good continuous improvement looks like.
A highlight of this webinar was hearing from two providers who shared exemplary examples of quality improvement in practice:
- Cooinda Coonabarabran; and
- Residency by Dillons Fremantle.
Over 565 people attended the webinar.
The presenters provided further information on:
- why quality improvement matters
- the Commission’s compliance activities
- practical tips for quality improvement
- using different data types to identify and monitor quality improvement including Star Ratings and Quality Indicator data; and
- our supporting resources.
We also learned about the quality improvement initiatives trialled, tested and successfully implemented by Cooinda Coonabarabran called “Foodie Friday’s”; and “My Engaging Talent” by Residency by Dillons Fremantle.
What We Heard
During the live Q&A session, we received questions from the webinar attendees, with key areas of interest including:
- how the QI tools can be used to embed diversity and inclusion
- how do you decide where to start (with a quality improvement initiative); and
- how do you share outcomes with families and residents.
You can read the questions and answers received at registration and during the webinar.
You can watch the recording of the webinar.
Thank you to everyone who attended the webinar and submitted questions.
What we’re doing
We’re inviting residential aged care providers to share your quality improvement successes to grow our community of practice.
We’re keen to support the work you do to continuously improve the quality of care you deliver to residents.
We’ll publish case studies on our website to showcase your work and inspire the activities of other providers.
If you would like to submit a case study, please email for more details and to access our template.
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Every Australian should feel confident about accessing high quality and safe aged care, when and where they need it.
The changes mean Older people will have greater choice and control, services that respect and meet their needs, and support to stay independent as they age.
To find out more and help design the changes, visit the Get Involved page or call 1800 318 209.