My Aged Care Screening and Assessment Workforce Training

Between November 2021 and February 2022, we asked for feedback from the My Aged Care Screening and Assessment Workforce on the effectiveness of the current training model and learning platform. We sought your views on whether the current training model was meeting the capability and training needs of the workforce and how we can support continuous learning and professional development.
Over 800 representatives took part in virtual workshops and online surveys. Findings from this review will be used to inform decisions relating to national Training Strategy.
Across the workforce, 757 representatives completed an online survey.
Fifty-four representatives took part in targeted workshops, including consumer groups, peak body representatives, workforce operational managers, workplace trainers and lead educators.
Strong engagement across the workforce and key stakeholders has helped to identify themes relating to how the training model can better support capability needs of the workforce and the consumer experience with My Aged Care.
Thank you to all those who participated.
What we heard
We heard that implementation of nationally consistent training was highly valued and necessary for workforce capability and consistent outcomes for Older people accessing My Aged Care.
You told us that a blended training model and peer-to-peer support is necessary to ensure that new members of the workforce are equipped to undertake their role.
The training on the My Aged Care Learning Environment (MACLE) forms part of induction training for the workforce. We heard that the system could be improved to describe real-life scenarios, have better targeted information and more up-to-date and in-depth content.
This will also help address knowledge gaps and enable practical application of knowledge and best practice in aged care assessments.
You also identified that within the current model of accredited training, pre-existing qualifications and experience should be considered
We understand there is widespread support for the re-establishment of a workforce reference group, to ensure national consistency and quality training across the workforce.
What we’re doing
Your feedback will be used to inform future training for the My Aged Care Screening and Assessment workforce.
As a first step, we will be re-establishing the My Aged Care Assessment Workforce Training Reference Group. This Reference Group will be tasked with providing advice on the future direction of the 2019 My Aged Care and Assessment Workforce Training Strategy (the Strategy). This includes participating in a review and update of the Strategy in 2022.
To find out more about the Reference Group please email
To receive updates and information on future consultation activities please sign up to our engagement database and get involved in current activities..
Let's change aged care, together
Every Australian should feel confident about accessing high quality and safe aged care, when and where they need it.
The changes mean Older people will have greater choice and control, services that respect and meet their needs, and support to stay independent as they age.
To find out more and help design the changes, visit the Get Involved page or call 1800 318 209.