Over 1,000 people evaluated Aged Care Quality Standards

The Department of Health is evaluating the current Aged Care Quality Standards as part of the aged care reform program.
In August 2021, over 900 people completed an online survey and 323 participants took part in 35 focus groups, including consumers, aged care providers, and peak organisations.
This broad representation has helped capture diverse views from across the sector. Insights from this evaluation, which was managed by KPMG, will inform the Quality Standards review project
Thank you to all for getting involved.
What we heard
Consumer focus – there is widespread support for the Quality Standards to focus on consumers and include consumer outcome statements. Yet, many of you told us you do not relate to the term ‘consumer’.
Need to strengthen – you identified palliative care, dementia, diversity, food, governance, and other clinical care issues as the areas of the Quality Standards that need strengthening.
Innovation and improvement – there is some support for principle-based standards to encourage innovation and improvement. However, there is concern about the measurability of the standards and the impact of this on quality assessments.
Clarification – Providers want more detail included in the standards to help clarify what is required of them.
Support resources – you told us that ongoing support, resource materials and educational tools for the workforce are needed to help implement any changes to the Quality Standards. You also asked that the Standards be targeted at, and easily understood by, consumers and care workers.
We appreciate that early sector engagement and consultation about the Standards will support their implementation within the sector, and we will continue to consult and engage with you to support this.
What we’re doing
We have heard your concerns and feedback and will continue to consult and collaborate with you during the review process.
There will be ongoing engagement with consumers, providers, peak bodies, and others across the aged care sector in 2022 for this project.
To receive updates and information on future consultation activities, please sign up to our engagement database and get involved in current activities.
Let's change aged care, together
Every Australian should feel confident about accessing high quality and safe aged care, when and where they need it.
The changes mean Older people will have greater choice and control, services that respect and meet their needs, and support to stay independent as they age.
To find out more and help design the changes, visit the Get Involved page or call 1800 318 209.