Preparing the National Dementia Action Plan

In August and September 2022, the Department of Health and Aged Care held workshops with people with lived experience of dementia, including carers, people with younger onset dementia and First Nations peoples living with dementia or caring for people with dementia.
The workshops were an opportunity to hear first-hand from a range of people about their experiences and challenges and what has or has not worked well in terms of dementia support.
What we heard
Key themes we heard across all workshops included:
the stigma surrounding dementia
the sense of devastation, isolation, grief, despair and loneliness many people felt on being diagnosed with dementia
the lack of a clear pathway, roadmap or management plan immediately following a diagnosis
challenges in getting a diagnosis
the need for coordinated and integrated supports
the impact on families and carers and the need for more responsive and appropriate support for carers
In terms of the National Dementia Action Plan, participants highlighted that:
it was important to have a clear vision in the Plan
the language should not be bureaucratic
the Plan should be communicated with clear, ‘punchy’ and meaningful language and using audio visual formats
national objectives and actions need to be outcomes-focused and measurable
highlighting key things that are going to really make a difference is important
What we’re doing
We have drafted the public Consultation Paper with that feedback in mind and outlined possible actions under each national objective along with performance measures that could track progress. We are undertaking a broader phase of public consultation on the Action Plan from mid-November 2022 until 31 January 2023.
To receive updates and information on all consultation activities please sign up to our engagement database and get involved in current activities.
Have your say National Dementia Action Plan
Together, we can improve the lives of people living with dementia
- Online survey
- Call 1800 565 787 to provide feedback over the phone or request a hard copy
- Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS) 131 450
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