Refreshed membership for the National Aged Care Advisory Council

We are pleased to announce a new membership for the National Aged Care Advisory Council.
The Council was established in response to recommendation 7 of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety Final Report. The Council provides expert advice to government on key matters relating to the aged care sector.
9 members return to the Council and 9 new members have been appointed. Members include people receiving aged care services, aged care workers, providers, health and allied health professionals, specialists in training and education, and independent experts.
Andrea Coote remains as Council chair and is joined by new members:
Ms Annie Butler, Federal Secretary of the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Association.
Mr Lloyd Williams, National Secretary of the Health Services Union.
Ms Carolyn Smith, Aged Care Director, United Workers Union.
Ms Pat Sparrow, CEO of COTA Australia.
Mr Tom Symondson, CEO of Aged Care and Community Providers Association.
Mr Carlo Carli, Chair of the Federation of Ethnic Communities Council of Australia.
Ms Jenny Dodd, CEO of TAFE Directors Australia.
Mr Simon Miller, CEO of Anglicare.
Ms Cathy Thomas, Group Executive of Aged Care and Community Services, BlueCare.
Returning members are:
Ms Anne Burgess AM
Mr Craig Gear
Ms Maree McCabe AM
Mr Mike Baird AO
Ms Rachel Argaman OAM
Ms Jody Currie
Dr Sandra Iuliano
Associate Professor Michael Murray AM.
Council members are not organisational representatives but are selected because of their strong connections to sector organisations and relevant expertise.
Find out more about the National Aged Care Advisory Council.
Let's change aged care, together
Every Australian should feel confident about accessing high quality and safe aged care, when and where they need it.
The changes mean Older people will have greater choice and control, services that respect and meet their needs, and support to stay independent as they age.
To find out more and help design the changes, visit the Get Involved page or call 1800 318 209.