The Aged Care Reform Roadmap has been released

The Australian Government has released the Aged Care Reform Roadmap to provide an indicative timeline for key reform elements.
Our aim is to help the sector understand what’s coming, be involved in reforms and prepare for the changes ahead to improve aged care.
The dates on the roadmap are subject to change and will be updated regularly to keep sector informed. The roadmap includes major reform elements, sector consultation activities, events and links to more information.
We continue to work closely with the aged care sector and older people in Australia.
We invite older people, families and carers, aged care providers and workers, researchers and experts to help us design changes to aged care, which will benefit everyone. You can continue to get involved and stay informed of consultations, webinars and the progress of the reforms here on the Aged Care Engagement Hub.
This is an ambitious reform. Together we will improve care for older people to deliver greater quality, security and dignity.
More information and links to existing aged care reform pages available from the Department’s Aged Care Reform Roadmap webpage.
Read the transcript of Minister Anika Wells’ National Press Club speech where she launched the Aged Care Reform Roadmap, or watch the video of this address.
Let's change aged care, together
Every Australian should feel confident about accessing high quality and safe aged care, when and where they need it.
The changes mean Older people will have greater choice and control, services that respect and meet their needs, and support to stay independent as they age.
To find out more and help design the changes, visit the Get Involved page or call 1800 318 209.