View the latest Star Ratings for aged care homes

We introduced Star Ratings in December 2022 to help you compare the quality of aged care homes and choose a home that suits your needs. Star Ratings is an important tool to understand how each home is performing and take the guesswork out of what can be a complex and difficult decision.
The latest update to Star Ratings shows there are now more homes delivering ‘good’ or ‘excellent’ care with 4 and 5 stars and fewer with 1 or 2 stars.
This continued improvement means 97 per cent of all homes across Australia are now meeting or exceeding the level of care expected – an extra 138 homes since May.
Star Ratings is updated every three months based on the latest available data. The latest update is now available to view through the ‘Find a provider’ tool on the My Aged Care website.
Residential aged care homes receive an overall Star Rating and a rating against 4 sub-categories
- Residents’ Experience – feedback from residents about their experiences at their aged care home captured through the annual Residents’ Experience Survey
- Compliance – compliance of aged care homes in meeting their obligations
- Staffing - average care time residents receive
- Quality Measures – measuring quality of care across areas such as falls, unplanned weight loss, pressure injuries, medication management and physical restraint.
We’re pleased to share that the Residents’ Experience rating is now updating more regularly. This means aged care homes will have the results of the Resident’s Experience Survey reflected in Star Ratings closer to when residents complete the annual survey.
If you’re someone who is in a residential aged care home, Star Ratings provides insights into the quality of your home. You can speak with the staff at your home to find out what they are doing to improve the quality of care provided. You can also view the ratings history to better understand how your home’s rating has changed over time.
To learn more, you can:
- watch our Star Ratings video
- visit our Quality in aged care page
- download our Star Ratings fact sheet. You can also find translated versions of this fact sheet by selecting your preferred language on our Accessible for all page.
Let's change aged care, together
Every Australian should feel confident about accessing high quality and safe aged care, when and where they need it.
The changes mean Older people will have greater choice and control, services that respect and meet their needs, and support to stay independent as they age.
To find out more and help design the changes, visit the Get Involved page or call 1800 318 209.