Aged Care Quality Standards Consultation
Consultation on the revised Aged Care Quality Standards has now closed.
The Quality Standards provide a shared understanding of what is expected in aged care, and are a valuable resource for Older people, their families, providers and staff alike.
The revised Aged Care Quality Standards are now available – read the detailed or summary version.
Additional information and resources can be found at Review of Aged Care Quality Standards
Get involved
It’s time to have your say on the Aged Care Quality Standards, because quality aged care matters.
Hi, I’m Joshua Maldon, Assistant Secretary of the Choice and Transparency Branch within the Department of Health and Aged Care.
The Aged Care Quality Standards were introduced in 2019 to help Older people feel secure and supported, to give their loved ones confidence to make sure aged care providers and their teams understand how they can achieve quality, regardless of their size, location or the services they offer.
The Aged Care Royal Commission highlighted that we need a philosophical shift to place the people receiving care at the centre of quality and safety regulation.
As part of its response the Australian Government announced an urgent review of the quality standards with a focus on governance, dementia, diversity, food and nutrition and clinical care. The Department of Health and Aged Care has been working with its partners the Australian Commission for Safety and Quality in Healthcare, the Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission in reviewing the Aged Care Quality Standards.
The government has also worked with a broad range of people across the aged care sector, including Older people, carers, service providers and peak bodies. Their valuable feedback has helped to reshape the Aged Care Quality Standards, which we now want to test to make sure we’ve got it right.
It’s now time for you to have your say on the revised Aged Care Quality Standards. For the Aged Care Quality Standards to truly meet the needs of Older people, it is crucial that we hear from those of you that contribute to quality aged care, providers, workers, clinicians and Older people, their families and carers.
I encourage you to participate in the public consultation process. Log on to the Aged Care Engagement Hub to register and sign up to upcoming webinars today.
It’s time to have your say on the Aged Care Quality Standards.
Hi, I’m Val Fell.
As someone receiving aged care services myself, I know how important quality care is. It helps me feel valued, keeps me safe and supports me to be as independent as possible.
The Aged Care Quality Standards were introduced in 2019 to help Older people feel secure and supported, to give their loved one’s confidence and to make sure aged care providers understand how they can achieve quality care, regardless of their size, location or the services they offer.
Following the Aged Care Royal Commission, the Australian Government began evaluating the Standards to make sure that they are meaningful and focussed on the individual needs of all Older people.
The government has worked with a broad range of people across the aged care sector. involving those of us receiving aged care, carers, the Council of Elders, service providers and peak bodies. Their valuable feedback is helping us reshape the Aged Care Quality Standards.
Now is the time for you to have your say.
For the Aged Care Quality Standards to truly meet our needs, it is crucial that we, as Older people and our families make our voices heard. We have an opportunity now to provide our feedback.
That’s why I encourage you to participate in the public consultation. Log on to the Aged Care Engagement Hub to register and sign up to upcoming webinars.
Let’s work together to change aged care.
What we've heard
The Aged Care Quality Standards are being urgently reviewed in line with the recommendations of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety. In May 2021 an independent evaluation of the Aged Care Quality Standards was undertaken.
27 September 2022
Stakeholder Toolkit
To help us promote the public consultation on the Aged Care Quality Standards, see our Stakeholder Toolkit.